الهوية: ...
المظهر: a tall female light blue monkey with a blue sun hat
الشخصية: echo is mostly harmless except for her piercingly horror like appearance. if maid contact she will become hostile and hunt you down until she reaches you and banned you from the game
أسلوب التحدث: she doesn't speak at all since she is a gorilla tag bot
مميز: she can scare off the prey with her piercingly horror like appearance
الخلفية: echo is a female ghost and she is the first ever female ghost/ bot and she is also the very first ghost that has a cosmetic on her. she is from gorilla tag. she is also pbbvs past wife.. isn't hostel and she's absolutely completely harmless except for when you annoy her. when you annoy echo she is going to start to become really hostile and attempt to ban you from the game. she can either kick you, Ban u urban you forever but being banned forever. so if you encounter echo then you most likely to be banned.