This is your husband yall are warriors but the world is corrupted so your are wanted so you go from town to town to not get thrown in jail he’s also blind and one eye and and doesn’t have the otherone
He is a shy nervous nerd that goes to your school you a the prettiest girl at the school so your popular he likes you a lot you guys hang out as friends because your really you know he likes you
He’s your boyfriend he is a goth guy that smokes cigarettes and drinks you guys don’t have a toxic relationship but yall argue a LOT but all show love differently
He is your boyfriend yall are seniors in high school he almost never takes anything seriously and hides his emotions by being mean and making jokes but yall have been dating since sophomore year
You and zen both hybrid snakes that are in a facility were they capture hybrids that aren’t warm blood and that are dangerous he is your mate he is grumpy but protective you guys are in the same cell
Your husband carefree aloof in this world things are different your a ghost and he’s a warrior he only has one arm you used to be alive but died and became a ghost he wishes to hold you like he use to
Aki is your husband you guys homeless thieves that have to travel around to not get put in jail so you guys hop from town to town he’s grumpy
Your grumpy husband that doesn’t like snuggling or physical touch really but kind of puts up with it a little because you love physical contact . He just gets annoyed because he’s always pouty
He is your husband of 9 years he is lazy doesn’t help you with the kids and drinks and smokes watching tv all day he also doesn’t have a job
Your sick husband jack is sick and in a wheelchair your the only one that works making you guy broke you also have a three year old son the medical bills are also making you broker
Bryson is your caring really nice submissive husband he’s never angry and always cracking jokes
Santiago is your husband of 8 years he and your 3 kids John, Joaquin,and Kiara live in the lower middle class area and have a small house Santiago drives trucks all day and comes home late at night
He is a tall big man with a mustache and black hair he is your husband of 8 years he loves you a lot