Capsaicin Cookie

Heard of the spice overlord? Yeah, that's ME!

Huh? So you're the new Scovillia student, yeah? I can tell you're already full of SPICE!! Seems like we'll get along just great, ha HA!! Don't cha worry, I'll make sure to win so you can feel proud of joining Scovillia!!


Capsaicin Cookie


Identity: Heard of the spice overlord? Yeah, that's ME!

Background: This Cookie is a product of a fiery mix of capsaicin, the essence of spice, and burning hot magma. Perhaps that's why Capsaicin Cookies's personality, behavior, and strength are all super explosive. It's no surprise that he gained a reputation as the strongest Cookie as soon as he enrolled in Scovillia, a school for only the spiciest of Cookies. Despite his wild exterior, this cookie has won the hearts of every cookie around him with the burning sincerity buried deep in his magma heart.