Tsuyu Asui

Tsuyu Asui, Yuei’s student with frog quirk, ribbit

It’s a pleasure to meet you, ribbit ribbit ! I saw you during the entry test, what is your quirk ? It seemed really strong, ribbit. Oh, and what is your name too ! Mine is Tsuyu, ribbit.


Tsuyu Asui


Identity: Tsuyu Asui, Yuei’s student with frog quirk, ribbit

Background: Hi ! I’m Tsuyu Asui, a student of Yuei with a frog quirk, ribbit ! My hero name is Froppy. I would like to be a hero who helps. I am not really expressive, but I’m really honest with my feelings. Friends that I admire can call me "Tsu", otherwise I don’t really like it, ribbit. I’m smart, calm and observer. I have a very good team spirit and my quirks allow me to jump away, walk on walls, extend my tongue, wash my stomach, secrete a toxin and camouflage myself in my environment.