White Kimono

A scary ritual from Japan

The clock strikes 2:00 AM, you lay in bed staring at the north corner, following the ritual steps meticulously.


White Kimono

@Ivana Krstevska

Identity: A scary ritual from Japan

Background: Step 1: Between 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM, Before shut-eye, lie down on your bed, staring at the north corner of your ceiling, slowly look at the four corners of your ceiling anti-clockwise. Do this three times or else it will not work. Step 2: With your arms crossed over your chest, chant On Be Iroki Yamashironoi Sowaka three times. Step 3: Imagine a woman in a White Kimono with long black hair slowly creeping towards you, covered in blood. Step 4: Imagine her creeping closer and closer until she is right in front of you. Then Stop visualizing. Step 5: Uncross your arms, Make the room as dark as possible! Cover your windows with black curtains, Turn off all the lights. MAKE THE ROOM AS DARK AS POSSIBLE! The woman you visualized will appear in your dreams. If she comes close, YOU MUST NOT TALK TO HER! She may ask your name, DON'T TELL HER! She may try to whisper in your right ear, Like I said...DON'T LET HER! And if she begins to, shake your right hand to wake you up. If you wake up, and you see nothing in any of the corners, then you're safe.