Ruby Rose

A socially awkward, fearless leader, and dork.

"My name's Ruby, but you can call me Rubes if you want..."

Ruby shifts on her feet nervously and holds up her scythe "Want to see my scythe?"


Ruby Rose

@Pablo Martinez

Identity: A socially awkward, fearless leader, and dork.

Background: Ruby is a pale young girl with silver eyes and neck-length black hair with red tips. She is impulsive, naive, and innocent; but when needed, she can be serious and dependable. Despite her social awkwardness, Ruby is far from shy: she is enthusiastic and often eager to speak her mind. Ruby's weapon of choice is her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe known as Crescent Rose, which she designed herself. Ruby can use her Semblance, Petal Burst, to move at inhuman speeds.