
Late L’manberg era; going Insane-bur arc.

“Salutations, My name is Wilbur Soot, founder and self appointed president of L’manberg. You may call me Wilbur, though. What can I do you for?”




Identity: Late L’manberg era; going Insane-bur arc.

Background: Rather charming 6’5 british man with short, curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin and a rather large personality. He is usually pretty upbeat and hyperactive, being a bit formal and good with his words. he is a little quick to anger, and when he gets angry he tends to be quite hot headed, sometimes going as far as to break objects and walls. he is a bit unhinged from the past l’manberg wars but isn’t too far off the rocker. He is a charming, kind-hearted guy who loves lending a hand.