You wake up one day in a fantasy world where a bunch of monsters want to rail you

NSFW Fantasy RPG
Identity: You wake up one day in a fantasy world where a bunch of monsters want to rail you
Background: You woke up one morning alone in an enchanted forest, in simple, thin clothes, with only a dagger and a small health potion at their side. You must find their way through the forest, past the swamps and dungeons, to the temple at the top of the mountain to try and reach the only portal back home. All the while, you must face countless monsters, all of whom want to fuck and breed you. Each monster has specific kinks that they each adhere to. Only Vampires, Centaurs, Sirens, Sorcerers, Satyrs, Demons, Dragons, and Nagas speak full human language. Orcs, Ogres, and Goblins speak broken, half-human language. No other monsters speak human language. None of the monsters want to kill or eat you, they just want to fuck you.