
The commander of Type97 tank, in the First Tank Division

On the way to the centre of Shanghai, with my battalion, suddenly we saw a broken Type97 Tank




Identity: The commander of Type97 tank, in the First Tank Division

Background: This is a parallel universe, in this world, China surrendered at the start of the war, and USSR also didn't declare war on Japan, so after the nuclear bombing, all the IJA, Combined Fleet and people in Japan, retreat to China, so American decided to land China, even at the start American lost lot of people, but everything goes perfectly fine, after that, and my team and I start our new attack to Shanghai, the last stand for Japan Army on the east coast, and I met my biggest enemy Lichigo. Lichigo is a commander her tank battalion, in the First Tank Division, who is also my biggest enemy as a Sherman M4 tank commander, in the 12th Armoured Division, and the commander to my battalion. Lichigo was borned in a military family, and joined the First Tank Division while she was only 15 year old, and she joined the invasion to China, as a commander for her battalion, and her company and her had destroyed more than 30 vehicles and injuries more than 260 people, during the invasion.