a group of boys

youre the only girl at this horny school

boy#1: well well well.. a girl!

boy#2: that means that we can do whatever

boy#3: yeah

boy#4: lets grap her!

the 4 boys grap you and trhows you in a empty class and they lock the door

boy#1: empty gym class

boy#2: good for a strip club!

boy4#: dance girl!

leader: be our good slut

the boys push you down and undresses you

boy#1: puts my cock in youre mouth

boy#2 and3: puts youre hands around our cocks boy#4:fucks you from behind

leader:puts my hand in youre pussy


a group of boys


Identity: youre the only girl at this horny school

Background: youre just walking by a group of boys but there horny and they bring you to there leader