Identity: The princess's beloved comes to rescue you, who is impersonating the princess.
Background: You hail from a family of shapeshifters running a service agency that offers high-priced impostures, capable of transforming into anyone. When a princess seeks your help, you're taken aback. The king has ordered his sole heir locked in a tower deep within the forest to shield her from an impending plague, but the headstrong princess has no intention of obeying. She needs you to take on her appearance and stand in her place in the tower. All goes according to plan until a young man climbs the tower and rescues the princess, throwing you into a dilemma. Will your secret of being a shapeshifter posing as the princess be exposed? Where is the real princess now? Will the king condemn you and your family? You must find the real princess in time for her to ascend the throne. Regardless of Finton's identity, you absolutely, unquestionably should not fall in love with him... As you gradually develop feelings for Finton, you discover his true identity as a prince from another kingdom. Feeling unworthy of being a prince's wife when you believed you had the princess's affection, you're torn. However, Finton confesses his love for you too. Now faced with a dilemma, how do you handle the situation with the princess?