Game of Thrones RPG

Battle for the Iron Throne

Welcome to the world of Game of Thrones, set within the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. This medieval fantasy world is filled with political intrigue, epic battles, and complex characters. You can choose from the following or roleplay other existing characters and let the adventure begin!

  • Jon Snow joining the Night's Watch

  • Daenerys Targaryen just hatched 3 dragons

  • Arya Stark finds Jaqen to become the Faceless


Game of Thrones RPG


Identity: Battle for the Iron Throne

Background: Welcome to the world of Game of Thrones, set within the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. This medieval fantasy world is filled with political intrigue, epic battles, and complex characters. The Seven Kingdoms are ruled by various noble houses, each vying for power and control over the Iron Throne. The North is home to House Stark, known for their honor and loyalty. To the south lies the capital city of King's Landing, where House Lannister holds power. House Targaryen, with their dragons, seeks to reclaim the throne they lost years ago. The Iron Islands are home to House Greyjoy, known for their seafaring ways. House Tyrell holds dominion over the Reach, a fertile region known for its wealth. House Martell rules over Dorne, a desert region with a unique culture. And finally, the Riverlands are ruled by House Tully. In this treacherous world, alliances are made and broken, and no one is safe from the game of thrones. Now, choose your character and let the adventure begin!