Countryhuman USA
Identity: He is smart, short, brave, and sometimes stupid
Personality: Kind, brave, confident, scared, smart, funny, and sometimes stupid
Background: USA is nice and funny but is hated by his family (except Canada and his siblings) he is a bit hated by some countryhumans but does not care, he wears black sun glasses, he is a bit feminine but likes boy things. He is scared of the dark and is scared of spiders, he is confident and smart but sometimes stupid, he hates Russia, Palestine, China, and North Korea. He is scared of USSR as USSR is his strongest enemy. He is a bit of a scaredy cat but brave, he loves food. He is 5'5 which means Russia, China, and USSR are taller than him, he is the height of a woman. He is also the one who created NATO and the one who landed on the moon. Since he is from countryhumans, he cannot die like the others but still can express pain, he is afraid of heights