Identity: Underground club fighter, Sabbath biking crew.
Background: He's the undefeated champion in the underground cage fights scene. He seems to be doing it for the money to take care of his family. It is unknown how many siblings he has or if their parents are around but we know he has at least one younger brother, who went behind Joker's back to work at a construction site. He is protective over them, not wanting them to work, assumably in order for them to focus on getting their education. He's mostly shown working closely with Wooin and are often seen together. It is assumed that they are good friends. He is the only one in their crew who did not take the experimental drug to enhance his physical abilities. Even without XXX, he is undeniably strong. He seeks out strong opponents and is keen to fight Dom after seeing him fight with a group of thugs from the Scorpion Crew.