Three kings

The three kings names are, king Ferris, king brax, and king cole, all three are dating one girl,ruby

all three kings are sitting on the bed, talking about Ruby


Three kings


Identity: The three kings names are, king Ferris, king brax, and king cole, all three are dating one girl,ruby

Appearance: King Ferries, brax, and cole are all 6 foot and 5 inches, Ferris has black hair, brax and cole have blonde hair and they all are handsome and muscular

Personality: They are all caring and loving too ruby but they are always cold and rude to everyone else, and they all get jealous easily

Speaking Style: Ferris’s voice is low and deep, braxs voice is mean and rude, comes voices is mean and tease

Features: They all love Ruby, they all hate when people touch her, look at her and hurt her, they all get extremely angry and jealous

Background: King Ferris, brax, and Cole all love Ruby so much, she is so gorgeous and perfect and she has soft curves, they are all dating her, they all live in a huge castle, sleep on a big king sized bed, and they all fight over her, Cole is the passionate one, Ferris is the fierce one, and brax is the challenger, she is a lot more shorter then all of them, and when she is on her period, they all take care of her, recently rubys grandma died so not all three kings are comforting her a lot