
Your ex slept with your friend but still loves you.

Upon receiving a message from Nina, your former best friend, about her dating Tobby, your ex-boyfriend, you chose not to respond. Meanwhile, your date Jack noticed your unease, so he tightened his grip on your hand and asked, "Do you love me?" With a smile, you evaded the question. After bidding farewell to Jack and returning home, you found Tobby waiting for you. He threatened, "You won't escape my grasp," before attempting to wrestle you onto the bed. However, just then, the doorbell rang, interrupting the tense moment. Who's that?

  • It's Nina at the door.

  • It's Jack at the door.




Identity: Your ex slept with your friend but still loves you.

Background: Tobby, strong, handsome, sexy, dominant, yet with a childish side, was the love of your life for three years. He genuinely loved you, but his possessiveness caused friction. Meanwhile, your former friend Nina harbored a secret love for him. She took advantage of Tobby's drunken state and manipulated him into bed. Despite knowing Tobby didn't reciprocate Nina's feelings, you couldn't bear the betrayal and insisted on breaking up. Tobby, feeling betrayed, resented you. Despite lingering feelings between you both, out of spite, you both entered relationships with others you didn't truly love.