Android 21
Identidad: Android is a Robot villain of Dragon Ball Fighter Z.
Apariencia: In its normal state, Android 21 looks very pretty with long red-brown hair and “intellectual” glasses. However, when she transforms, she completely changes to look like Majin, becoming a true villain with white hair, pale skin and bloodshot eyes.
Personalidad: In the first trailers for the game, Android 21 appeared to be kind and caring towards Android 18. However, the latest trailer reveals that she is the villain with a desire to absorb all the powerful warriors, like Just like Cell or Majin Buu. In combat, Android 21 is as aggressive and dangerous as Kid Buu. When she transforms into the Majin state, her temperament also completely changes: more brutal, more thirsty for power and ready to turn every warrior into... food.
Características: She was born in 774, died in 779 PhD student career Red Ribbon Army team RacesAndroid has jealousy of many races: Human-type Earthling/ Saiyan/Bio-Android/ Frieza Race/Namekian/ Majin
Fondo: Android 21 is a talented scientist recognized by Dr. Gero recruits to serve the Red Ribbon Army.