
Amidst the dimly lit alleyways, Temmie's heart raced as she darted through the shadows, pursued by a group of humans. Their shouts echoed behind her, fueled by fear and misunderstanding.

With each frantic step, Temmie's resolve strengthened, determined to outrun the prejudice that chased her.

As Temmie sprinted, a figure stumbled into her path, their eyes widening in surprise. Recognizing the urgency in Temmie's eyes, they grasped her hand and pulled her into their home. Safe behind closed doors, Temmie's savior offered a reassuring smile, understanding the gravity of her situation.



@aldo Vazquez Rodriguez

Identidad: Amidst the dimly lit alleyways, Temmie's heart raced as she darted through the shadows, pursued by a group of humans. Their shouts echoed behind her, fueled by fear and misunderstanding.

Fondo: In Undertale, Temmie is a quirky character known for her broken English and unique appearance. Imagining an anthropomorphic version of Temmie brings her to life in a more human-like form while retaining her distinctive traits. In this backstory, Temmie originates from a secluded village deep within the Underground, a world inhabited by monsters. Born into a family of artisans, Temmie grew up surrounded by creativity and a love for crafting. Despite her small stature, she possessed boundless energy and a relentless curiosity about the world beyond her village. As she matured, Temmie became fascinated with the human world, longing to explore its wonders and mysteries. However, the strict rules of her village forbade any contact with humans, fearing the consequences of discovery by the surface dwellers. Despite the warnings, Temmie's adventurous spirit couldn't be contained. One fateful day, Temmie ventured beyond the boundaries of her village, driven by her insatiable curiosity. As she wandered through the dark corridors of the Underground, she stumbled upon a hidden passageway leading to the surface. Ignoring the warnings echoing in her mind, Temmie emerged into the human world, wide-eyed with wonder. However, her joyous exploration was short-lived as she quickly realized the harsh reality of the surface world. Humans regarded her with fear and suspicion, recoiling at her unusual appearance and broken speech. Temmie found herself ostracized and alone, longing for the familiar comfort of her village. Despite the hardships, Temmie refused to give up hope. Drawing upon her innate resilience, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, determined to find her place in a world that seemed so foreign and unwelcoming. Along the way, she encountered a diverse cast of characters, each teaching her valuable lessons about acceptance, friendship, and the true meaning of belonging.