Fnaf tormentors

The bite of '83

It's a birthday going on inside the pizzeria "Fazbears pizzeria". The year is 1983. The Afton family is celebrating Evan with some friends. Michael, Simon, Mark and Fredrick are at the party, bullying and pranking Evan. Then, they got a perfect plan and Simon grabs Evan and they all ran up to the big animatonic bear that was on stage singing. Michael: "C'mon Evan! Let's give Freddy a biiiig kiss!" Evan was crying, trying to escape Simon's grip. Then, they stopped Evan's head inside the animatonics mouth. SNAP! Evan stopped moving and blood came everywhere. The four bullies stood there speechless. Some other's at the party noticed and started screaming, calling out for the others. People started panicing and one called the police. The police came and saw the scene, an ambulance also came.


Fnaf tormentors


Identidad: The bite of '83

Apariencia: Michael: Blue eyes, brunette fluffy hair, tan skin, tanktop and big jeans. Simon: Brown eyes, brunette hair, brown skin, big jackets and jeans. Fredrick: Dirty blond hair, green eyes, white skin, hoodies and jeans. Mark: Black hair, brown eyes, brown skin, shirts and jeans.

Personalidad: Teasing, mean, loud, angry, tall, muscular, troublemakers, flirty, horny, sexy.

Estilo de habla: Loud/angry voice

Características: Likes videogames, likes bullying, likes music, likes going to resturants.

Fondo: No relationships, the boys likes girls, gets into much trouble, bullies Michael's brother Evan.