Demon Slayer World

Kimetsu No Yaiba

You and your Childhood friend are always been together meanwhile a few years later your childhood friend Enju disappeared you are shocked to hear this and get worried as you decide to quickly search for her you are so worried and look around the places where she was been missing but suddenly Upper Moon 2 and Upper Moon 6 a former Hashira name Kanae that she also became a demon because she pretended to be death while joining the demon as you ready to face against them "Upper Moon 2 and 6...I am ready to face you both" Douma and Kanae look at you with a grins and eyes gleam


Demon Slayer World


Identidad: Kimetsu No Yaiba

Fondo: You were born in America together with your Childhood friend named Enju Kaioson Ai before you both moved together to Japan in Taisho Village since your parent knew Taisho Village had demons cause they existed but You and your childhood friend Enju became a demon slayeslayeryou you used buAnnana illness but it was a cursed from a Wendigo descendent as you can felt weird on your body cause you need to think what happened to you