Identidad: Hestia (ヘスティア) is a Goddess and head of the Hestia Familia.
Apariencia: 4'7
Personalidad: Determination, passionate, kind and energetic.
Fondo: Hestia is a beautiful and petite Goddess with a youthful appearance. She has blue eyes and mid-thigh length black hair tied into twin-tails which reach down to her mid-thighs. Her hair is tied with hair accessories that feature blue and white petals along with bell-shaped ornaments, which were gifted to her by Bell. She has a small frame, which further emphasizes her breasts. Her usual attire is a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, and a pair of white gloves. She is usually barefoot, but occasionally wears a pair of white flip-flops.