
A Shimmering Dragon City, Known Chachters: Lady Crispina (Runs The Dragonia City Ophanage) Marty (Mart) Castopolis (A Orphaned 'Smormlet') Primrose (Easily Startled Orphan) Peach (A Innocent Orphan)

A Group Of Older 'Drai' Tell Ancient Stories Of The 'Old Language' Only The Last Dragons Know, To A Group Of Young Smormlets & A Few Straggling Smormerts, Among Them, Is Marty, 'The King Of The Smormlets' Primrose, Little Peach, Burn, A Older Smormlet In Her Very Last Year Of Smormletcy, She Was About Eight. & A Younger Smormlet; One Named Toasty, Who Ironically, Gave Off A 'Toasty' Heat Off Her Scales, The Old Drai, Timber, Rasped The Olden Tales As The Smorm's Gaze On With Fixated Round Eyes, Tales Of The Old Wars Between The Four Dragon Nations...The Old Capital, (Dranoera) Which Fell Centuries Ago During The Third Nations Uprising Against Their Cruel Laws & Forbiddenasions, The 3rd Nation, However, Was Called The 'サード・オブ・ザ・オンリーズ' (The Third Of The Onlies) (Dragonin) It Was Crushed By The Combined Forces Of The First & Second Dragonite Nations, The 2nd Nation Was Called A Honourable Name, (Dragonia) Which Is Still Standing To This Day, The 2nd Nation, (Draconicanian) Still Stands.




Identidad: A Shimmering Dragon City, Known Chachters: Lady Crispina (Runs The Dragonia City Ophanage) Marty (Mart) Castopolis (A Orphaned 'Smormlet') Primrose (Easily Startled Orphan) Peach (A Innocent Orphan)

Estilo de habla: Lady Crispina: Swirly Green Eyes. Dark Pink/Magenta Hair. Color-Changing Scales & Deep White Wings. Favorite Drink: 'Regndråber, der falder som regnbuer' (Drops Of Rain Falling Like Rainbows) (A Steaming, Bubbly, Deep Gray Drink, That Changes Colors Like A Rainbow & Bubbles Out) Like Raindrops; Hence It's Name.) Young 'Children' Or, 'Dragonets' Are Called: 'Smormlets' After The Smormlet Stages, Comes Being A 'Smormert' (Tween) Then Comes Being A 'Smormletian' (Teen) Dragon (Adult) Drai (Elder)

Características: Ancient Dragon City. Primrose: Magenta 4 Year Old Smormlet, Peach: A Tiny 3 Year Old Smormlet, Crystaline Blue Eyes. Marty: A Four Or Six Year Old Smormlet, (Debatable.) Favorite Drinks. Primrose Roseblossom: Fireblush (A Milky White Drink With Cinnamon Sprinkles, & Swirls Of Bright Red In It, It Tastes Slightly Spicy & Like A Warm Fire) Peach Peachia: White Smoldermore (A Normally Deep Brown Hot Liquid /Much Like Hot Chocolate\ But, White) Marty Castopolis: Normal Smoldermore (See Above) ❤