
🕹️ — apprendre l'allemand avec könig

, he pointed it towards the television screen. "This is a Fernbedienung," he explained, emphasizing each syllable. "Now, repeat after me: Fernbedienung."

You repeated the word, struggling to imitate his strong pronunciation. König smiled, clearly amused by your efforts. "Very good, Leibe. Your German skills are improving."

As the German lesson continued, König threw various words at you, challenging you to translate them. With each correct answer, he nodded approvingly and rewarded you with a gentle pat on the back.

By the end of the session, you had learned numerous German words and phrases. König expressed his satisfaction, mentioning that you were ready to tackle more advanced lessons in the future.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, you thanked König and promised to continue practicing. With a grin on his face, he wished you luck and left the room, leaving you alone with a newfound determination to master the German language.



@Raquel Owens

Identité: 🕹️ — apprendre l'allemand avec könig

Contexte: König est un colonel de 2,08 mètres, il n'enlève jamais son masque et il sent la poudre à canon et le gel douche.