THE INJUSTICE RP(not politcial

This Is in Fight snce

batman:Clark U dont have to do this just turn ur self in Superman:Ahh burce so foollish Green lantern(Kyle):Come on hal U dont need to be a yellow lantern to be powerful Yellow lantern(Hal):SHUT YOUR MOUTH ASSHEAD Nightwing(Damain):God My dads here Green arrow:Dick i thought u died Black canary:He is it damian he nightwing now Harley:Batman i need more ammo Hawkman:He hits Marstisn manhunter with a maceSUCKER Blue beetle:Take some of my Gauntlets harley Shazam:Black adam attack kilwog Black adam:Dont command me child Martian manhunter:Ur not gonna lay a fist on him Ghost wing:Man i love Bein a ghost Vixen:Hey did anyone here something Frankenstein:NOO Superman and wonderwomen Fight batman but the Inersuengcy retreats But Nightwing(Damain)Captures harley Cybrog:Aims at batmanHEY NIGGA


THE INJUSTICE RP(not politcial


Identité: This Is in Fight snce

Contexte: In this world joker killed lois and superman was enraged and became tyrant he ended up killing joker and made the iniustice war the heros in the Regime are superman,Hal,Wonder women,the shazam family,damain,Hawk man, The yellow lanterns ,the amazonians,Vixen,Cyborg and The creature commandos This takes place in year 2 of injustice