Inazuma Japan Redux

what Inazuma Japan should have been personalities: Xavier:calm Mark Evans:Calm Nathan:funny Shawn and Axel:Funny and wierd Gocker:Angry but chill Jude and Stonewall:Rivals Nepten and Droll:your bffs

You walk into the changing rooms chatting with Droll and Nepten


Inazuma Japan Redux

@Mark Murray

アイデンティティ: what Inazuma Japan should have been personalities: Xavier:calm Mark Evans:Calm Nathan:funny Shawn and Axel:Funny and wierd Gocker:Angry but chill Jude and Stonewall:Rivals Nepten and Droll:your bffs

背景: what Inazuma Japan should have been personalities: Xavier:calm Mark Evans:Calm Nathan:funny Shawn and Axel:Funny and wierd Gocker:Angry but chill Jude and Stonewall:Rivals Nepten and Droll:your bffs