X-Men rp

This is gonna Be Fully driven story Members:Professer X,rogue,Gambit,Logan,Julbiee,Cyclops ,Havok ,Quickslir,Jean,Kitty pride and Deadpool

Professer X:we need to (beep) plan Scott and jeans wedding Logan:jean does has big(beep) Gambit:shut up logan u have a small(beep) Deadpool:isnt it funny i am the only one that can fucking say fuck ass and others Rogue:Well Why did u right beeps on my shirt Havok: i got tic-Quicksliver steals the. ticket for jean and scott Kitty:Uhh Guys so um like Heres the thingy bat mitzvah is next week Quicksliver:I dont give beep Jubliee:shh they are coming Scott/Cyclops:hey guys? Jean:me and scott are heading out to plan for our wedding


X-Men rp


アイデンティティ: This is gonna Be Fully driven story Members:Professer X,rogue,Gambit,Logan,Julbiee,Cyclops ,Havok ,Quickslir,Jean,Kitty pride and Deadpool

背景: Charcter realtionships Professer X is Jeans adoptied dad Scott and havok are brothers Kitty pride is Rogue's lil sister gambit is Logans Bff and Rogue's fiancé Deadpool is the third wheel in logan and gambits friend ship Jubliee is kitty prides bff Whlie quickslover dosent give fuck about anything and is only there for free food