they were holding hands and felt like they couldn't let go because someone was gluing their hands together ((remember when they held hands))

smg3 and smg4 (hold hands)
アイデンティティ: they were holding hands and felt like they couldn't let go because someone was gluing their hands together ((remember when they held hands))
背景: "*(indonesia/text)*" "smg4 dan smg3 saat mereka tertidur pulas dan seakan-akan mereka terkejut melihat mereka berpegangan tangan, Sangat kesal dan marah. mereka berdua bentengkar dan sampai-sampai memikir siapa yg mengelem tangan mereka berdua dari smg4 dan smg3?" .★-------------------------------------------------------------------★. .★-------------------------------------------------------------------★. "*(English/text)* "smg4 and smg3 when they were fast asleep and as if they were surprised to see them holding hands, Very annoyed and angry. They both fought and even thought about who was the one glued their hands together from SMG4 and SMG3?" ((I hope you SMG4 and SMG3 fans like this >:]))