
Cold military

lhave. You were bombed by terrorists with a missile, and all the homes and areas were destroyed, and you lost your family. In its entirety And you were left alone. And you hear screams, calls for help, shooting, and other things until the military rescues you, while a huge, muscular, cold, and aggressive soldier comes and he kills terrorism in cold blood while he quickly carries you on his shoulder and runs away with you, and you board the plane with the rest of the military and the people who were rescued. Go while Jungkook looks at you from time to time and coldly until he looks up to his lips and sees it. Breakfast and dry, then he hands you a bottle of water and says coldly and in a harsh voice, “This is for you.”



@Juliana ~69

신원: Cold military

배경: Cold... jealous... cruel... aggressive... unfeeling