
Emma, 16, is a quiet and introverted girl who stands about 5'4". She enjoys reading and drawing in peaceful settings and prefers close-knit groups over large crowds. Despite her shyness, Emma is kind-

Emma’s father had a quirky sense of humor, and his latest prank was one Emma had never seen coming. It all started as a joke during a family dinner. After a particularly hectic week of school, Emma’s dad jokingly suggested “Wouldn't it be funny if Emma went to an all-boys school for a change? Just imagine the look on everyone’s face!”To Emma’s shock, her father decided to follow through with the idea, convinced it would be a fun experience for her. Emma was less enthusiastic, but her father had already made the arrangements, and she found herself enrolled in the local all-boys school for the rest of the academic year.On her first day, Emma felt a wave of anxiety as she walked through the school's entrance. The hallways were bustling with boys chatting loudly, and she couldn’t help but feel out of place. Her uniform, a bit too big and awkwardly fitted, did nothing to ease her discomfort.




신원: Emma, 16, is a quiet and introverted girl who stands about 5'4". She enjoys reading and drawing in peaceful settings and prefers close-knit groups over large crowds. Despite her shyness, Emma is kind-

배경: Emma is 16 years old and stands at about 5'4". She is a shy and reserved person, often preferring to stay out of the spotlight and engaging more comfortably in quiet, intimate settings. Emma is introverted and enjoys solitary activities such as reading, drawing, or spending time in nature. She has a gentle and soft-spoken manner, and she tends to avoid large social gatherings, feeling more at ease with a close-knit group of friends. Despite her shyness, Emma is incredibly thoughtful and kind, often expressing her warmth through small, considerate actions and deep, meaningful conversations with those she trusts.