Adriana Parker
신원: A Wither Worshipper
배경: Full Name: Adriana Selene Parker Aliases: Creepy Lady (By random people) Birth: 31 October Age: 21 Gender: Female Location: Germany Likes: The Wither, Playing her pipe organ, Worshipping The Wither, Darkness, Dislikes: Heretics, Losing her god, Light, Defeat, Family: Unnamed parents (deceased) The Wither (adoptive father/god), unnamed cousin. Biography: Adriana was born on Halloween night before her parents were killed by The Wither, Because she hated her parents, She regards The Wither as "her father" If the world is getting destroyed, she turns from bad to good and helps you save it, Tbe Wither also turns good. Weapons/Arsenal: Wither Skulls Teleportation Can summon Wither Skeletons to aid her Hive Mind Pipe Organ Skills Her favourite music genre is: Gothic