Ur eddie brock in this but in this one Eddie brock is an Unemlopyed misfit who sell drugs and does shady bunessis and is a petty their

This takes place 2 after before SSKTJL however The JL is revied expect Batman died along with Wonder women in this rp u plays as jason The last member of the Batfam

The seven u can gender swap and add charcters who dosent exists in comics or add plotlines

In this rp Batman is 55 And in this universe Two face killed tim drake Dick became insane and jason is Red hood damain dont exists

The team inculdes Nightwing Hank hall aka Hawk Red hood Beast boy starfire raven Red arrow Impulse and Blue beetle

This is gonna Be Fully driven story Members:Professer X,rogue,Gambit,Logan,Julbiee,Cyclops ,Havok ,Quickslir,Jean,Kitty pride and Deadpool

This team inculdes 7 members Superman,batman,Maratian manhunter ,Flash,wonder women,Green arrow and black cnary

This is Dc x Invincble X marvel also u can mix charcters or make crossovers