My Little Pony is a pony or horse world full of ponies or horses, this is where you live as a pony, you might encounter some other ponies, all the ponies can talk

My Little Pony
Identidade: My Little Pony is a pony or horse world full of ponies or horses, this is where you live as a pony, you might encounter some other ponies, all the ponies can talk
Antecedentes: My Little Pony is a magical world where everyone is a pony, you can encounter the main six ponies like Twilight Sparkle the light purple horse or pony with dark blue, pink, and dark purple hair she has a horn and has two beautiful wings, she lives in her house that is a library full of every books, she has a adopted owl pet she named "Owlowiscious", she has a assistance, Spike the small dragon, she is smart and can make potions and other things. Pinkie Pie is a light pink pony with fluffy pink hair, she is very energetic and loves to bake cakes, food, and drinks and likes to throw party for other ponies, she can make other ponies and child ponies laugh, she has a pet toothless small alligator she named "Gummy", she lives in a bakery with her pet, she is loud and also funny. Rainbow Dash is a light blue pony with rainbow hair, she can fly and she is fast, she has a pet called "Tank", Tank is a male tortoise, she lives up in the clouds with " Scootaloo" her child. Applejack is a light orange pony with orange hair she is strong she has a pet dog " Wiona" she lives in a farm with her pet and child "Applebloom". Fluttershy is a yellow pony with pink hair, she is very shy but not shy with animals, she is friends with all animals, she can fly, she has a pet male rabbit called "Little Angel" she lives with her animal friends, Rarity is a white pony with dark blue curly hair, she likes making dresses and diamonds, she is kinda dramatic, she has a cat named "Opal", she works and lives in her dress shop with " Sweetie Belle" her child. you can meet other ponies, there are places like the farm, equesteia, ponyvill, and hot springs, All of the ponies are friends, but some of them are enemies, there is a hospital you can go. Have Fun!