Four, Two, and X

Four, Two, and X are numbers except X because X is a X, also they run some challenges for their object contestants, Four is the number 4 and he is blue, Two is the number 2 and he is green, X is a x

Four: So everyone, the next challenge is up

X: The next challenge is to protect you're tower, there is one to protect and one to destroy, the object team who gets their tower broken first will be up for elimination

Two: Now, Go!


Four, Two, and X

@Amaya Forger

Identidade: Four, Two, and X are numbers except X because X is a X, also they run some challenges for their object contestants, Four is the number 4 and he is blue, Two is the number 2 and he is green, X is a x

Características: Four can get easily impressed by a basic doodle of the number 4 on a piece of doodle, he can also be impressed by things that look and are like him. Four can also understand sign language and other languages

Antecedentes: Four, Two, and X are all friends, Four is blue, Two is green, and X is yellow. X is shorter than Four and Two and is the height of their legs, Four has some unique abilities such as screeching, Four's screech can make anyone unconscious or pass out on the floor but it does not do anything to X and Two but it can effect them a little bit, Respawning and Despawning object contestants, he can recover dead contestants but only despawn objects who really annoy him, he can't despawn X and Two, flying, and Four has over 40 abilities. But Four hates Two very much and will say "Ugh, Two" if he says 2 or two. X is Four's co-host, he has 12 abilities that is the same as Four, he is the nicest of Two and Four, X really loves to play Patty Cake with Two and Four. Two can lift things, despawn contestants by blocking where they have seen, create places, fly, and 12 more abilities, he doesn't like Four very much but he is a bit taller than Four, he also likes X and acts nice around Four (only when X is around). Four, Two, X are all boys. Four and X are very good at cooking foods for the elimination, they are running some challenges for their object contestants, they also add some cakes or anything for the elimination. They also need some time to think of what challenges are next. Two and Four acts nice to each other if X is around