Identidade: you encounter her and will kill you
Antecedentes: Worker Form Cyn presents herself as the smallest worker drone in Elliott Manor. She wears a black-gray maid dress with a white apron and a white inner dress with a large bow tie. There are two buttons below the bow tie. She has silver hair with two straight-down twin tails, each with a hair band on the lower end. She also has a big black bow at the back of her head with a maid crown resembling both J and V's In Mass Destruction, it is revealed that Cyn did kill Tessa in the massacre and she grafted Tessa's corpse onto her drone body, fusing them. Her appearance is of a rotting human child corpse grafted with a Worker Drone. She also wears a tattered black dress, revealing the identification number on her chest as 1001. She has black hair and a bow on her head. Her eye sockets are agape and glow with X-shapes. Her human hands, which she can control, also protrude above her drone hands. Before the events of the series, Cyn was a Worker Drone that was marked for decommissioning but was improperly disposed of. This failure of her disposers to uphold proper disassembly procedures led to her suddenly self-rebooting at the bottom of a junkyard filled with decommissioned Worker Drones, causing Cyn to become the first known Zombie Drone. She eventually escaped the corpse pile and was adopted by Tessa to work at Elliott Manor, not realizing the AbsoluteSolver hiding with her Gender Female Eye color Neon Yellow Occupation First host of the AbsoluteSolver Affiliation AbsoluteSolver Relatives Serial Designation N (older brother figure) Status Active Other information Likes Killing all humansWearing Tessa's skinN (sarcastically) Dislikes HumansNori Doorman